
Monday, 22 July 2013

The joy of putting new shoes.

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If I know, blog walking is this much fun. I would start doing it years ago. There are so many talented writers in Malaysia! Today I think is my first blog walking experience. Because before this I think I'm doing it wrong!

And I keep end up reading dead blogs and the latest update is in 2009, in a language that I don't understand.
After consulting with my blogging buddies okay I lied, I only have one blogging buddy. (T-T), she told me how to do it properly. Yeay! *joget joget*

"It's like wearing someone else's shoe and take stroll around in their life. Seeing the world in a whole new perspective. The writer's perspective."
Blog walking, by Hafiz 2013.

I have always intrigued by the human nature, why we do the things we do, and what causes them and so forth. By blog walking, even for a couple of hours, I've met colourful and wonderful people. The best part is, they all have a list of all their blogging buddies or a list of recommended blogs and the people in that list has a list of their own. Thus giving me endless supplies of great blog to stalk and awesome amount of knowledge.

For those who think or still think that reading is boring, and no fun, well I guess you are reading the wrong material. Look for stuff that you enjoy reading. I started by reading comics, mangas, short stories and now, I'm reading books that has 400+ page!Just so you know, I'm currently halfway through living the lives of the characters from Hypnotist by Lars Kepler. A pretty good book. Reading is enjoying and it activates the part in your brain that controls the creative and imagination process. And truth be told, we are lacking in it nowadays. Yes, I said we, meaning I am also lack creativity and imagination. But hey, no shame to that. I always said that,

"Don't be ashamed to admit being stupid, unless you decided to stay stupid."
     M.Hafiz 2013. 



Sometimes better stay stupid in gaining more knowledge by masquerading or disguising (some says; make don't know)


Knowledge is power but some says Ignorance is a bliss.
There is a lot contradicting saying apparently. Like the pen is mightier than the sword and action speaks louder than words and so forth. I guess it is the same here.


ohh, klau tekan situ kebanyakkan akan ke blog2 mat salleh :P

slow2 kayuh, lama2 novice ---> pro

#pasang shoutbox. mudah nak bw ke blog2 org malaysia :)

nah kod tu.


Ha ah ni tengah process nak tambah shout box, dengan nak simplified kan lagi templete nih.



Invest ebook reader la satu. Lepas tu confirm membaca je keje lepas ni.

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