
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Those little things.

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How to get a Girlfriend.

1. Find a girl!

To get a girlfriend, one of the way is to find a girl (that you like) that has an interest in you. What you need to do is ;

2. Notice the signals.

How to know if the girl are  interested in you? You can just ask them directly but, since women are egoistic shy, so they tend to lie denied it. Sometimes, even if they say they do not like you, we still can still tell of she is going to change her mind or not.

One of the way to know if you got a chance or not in that girl is by texting her through any channel you have like Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook Messenger or normal text. By texting, it is not what she said that is important, but what she did not say. One of the signal that she like your presence, or she like talking to you, is when you want to stop texting ,she replied saying that she wants to text you later. If you can get this kind of reply, either she realise it or not, she likes you. But usually she did not realise it yet because that signal comes from her subconscious mind telling her conscious mind that she likes you. But I am not going to explain about subconscious mind in this post (maybe later).

How to get that signal you ask?
Well that is easy. Just follow this steps.
     1. Start texting.
     2. Get the conversation going by asking about her. Give her the attention.
     3. Make some joke, makes her laugh, and when you start smiling while typing, stop texting with her.
     4. Stop texting by saying, you want to eat or sleep, or doing your chores.
     5. Now wait for the signal.

IF she did reply on step 1 till 4 positively by answering your question and keep the conversation going by asking you question, but did not give the signal, do not worry. Just repeat the steps and when you want to stop texting, say this, " i'm sorry i got to go, but text you later?". When she replies "okay" or "k" , it will give her conscious mind false signal. Her conscious mind would thought that her subconscious mind that giving the signal (I shall explain later how to exploit her subconcious mind).

to be continued..


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