To find that someone who can teleport you to another world. To another dimension, where we, are only two things that matters.
To find that someone, that can make you smell colours and taste rainbows each time you gaze upon her smile.
To find that someone, that can outweighs all the problems in the world that you're having by just merely existing.
To find that someone, that can make you feel euphoria countless times and making you addicted to it, addicted to her.
To find that someone that can make you don't care on how far or how long or how harsh the journey is, as long as she is there, by your side.
To find that someone, that is different and yet similar and fits perfectly together like a 2 piece jigsaw puzzle.
The feelings that can't be describe well enough with words but when you felt it, it sent shivers to your bone and left you gasping for air.
To be wanted, to be yearned and to be loved by that special someone, is a blessing for which I thanked God in every waking moment in my life.
I'm the lucky one here to have found you, to know you, to be mesmerized by your smile, to be captivated by your laugh, to be stupefied by your charms, to be dazzled by your attitude, to be dumbfounded by your words, to be astonished by your compassionate understanding and to be addicted to your love.
I tried my best to pen my feelings, I really do, and yet it looks pale in comparison to what I am currently feeling, pale in comparison to what YOU made me feel.
and a Happy 21st Birthday NGOE.
P/p/s : I finish drafting this post a day before you posted for mine so don't you dare say that I get the idea from you. You are just lucky that mine was earlier than yours. Oh btw, eff you for stealing my line. (=-=) I'm guessing you going to say, "eley kau pun pentiru ayat aku." Well, we do think alike. Surprise surprise. (n_n) P/p/p/s : The above p/p/s was written after I read your post. P/p/p/p/s : You have no idea how shocked I was to know how similar we think alike.
For those who like colourful, beautiful words mashed up together
to create a symphony of rhythm, you should visit this blog. I find it
interesting to browse through this blog because some of the poems manage to
sway my heart and others just feels.......right.
She started blogging around 2010 and she
has around 50 poems that she has written and share so far. I have read it all
and it..was..beautiful. All of the poems are beautiful. For those who are
heartbroken, missing a friend, for those who in are love, for couples that are
fighting, for those who just want to stroll around reading something light and
yet entertaining, you should give a visit.
Hi there, if this is your first time visiting my blog, then I welcomed you. If this is not, then WELCOME BACK!
I've installed a new template, yet again. hahaha. Look look look, I have a cool slider at my home page! :D
Anyways, I'm going to feature items that I'm going to recommend to you guys. Items like books to read, games to be played, apps to download, or freeware that you can use or even blogs to be visited. Any stuff that I find interesting, I'm going to put it there.
Hey, if YOU have anything you want me to share, feel free to contact me by clicking HERE. Anything at all, if I find it interesting and I feel the need to share it, I'll put it in the slider, and best of all, it's FREE! for now.
Oh, and tell me what you think of the new looks :D any ideas, suggestion, or criticism are hugely appreciated. Don't believe me? Look up, below the header. Brutal honesty is always welcome here in my blog.
Laters. Gators.
Update 23 July 2013 21:28
Yeay! Im done tinkering with the major stuff. All buttons seems to be functional. Oh what is left is the header Later la I add. Hahaha. Need to design that ASAP btw. hurm. Anyhow, have fun here :D
Update 25 July 2013 18:42
This is before.
The template is nice and all, but, it just does not feel right. Soo, I put on my hunter boots gloves, and set sail to find new templates... ...
and behold, the new template you are currently seeing. This are the main features of the current template.
If I know, blog walking is this much fun. I would start doing it years ago. There are so many talented writers in Malaysia! Today I think is my first blog walking experience. Because before this I think I'm doing it wrong!
And I keep end up reading dead blogs and the latest update is in 2009, in a language that I don't understand.
After consulting with my blogging buddies okay I lied, I only have one blogging buddy. (T-T), she told me how to do it properly. Yeay! *joget joget*
Yesterday I was walking down the endless road of the internet and I stumbled upon this.
They say that the photographer just told them to run like they were chased by something big.
It is kinda cool. It is not your regular wedding picture and it sure does make a great conversation starter. I mean, just show this to your friends that missed the wedding and just sit back and bask in the glory of them saying stuff like "COOL" , or "LOL" .
And after extensive digging by extensive digging I meant surfing the net nonstop LOL., I found several other wedding picture. It is kinda cool when all your friends and family agreed to for this kind of picture. It's creative, and since everyone seriously EVERYONE. Once I saw a 16years old photographer taking pictures for a wedding in my home town. that has a digital single lens reflect camera suddenly took up photography as their part time / full time job, this addition of image manipulation can help to differentiate the good from the rest.
Here are some other varieties of the wedding picture.
Yep. You did not read that wrong. And yes that was intended. It's not a typo. So most of you probably have already watch Despicable Me 2. For those who did'nt, that oceon of yellow, that mini creature, is called Minions. Its a fun movie, hillarious, entertaining, and suitable for those who are young at heart. *Cough*
So, yesterday I saw people lining up and rushing into McDonalds because they give out free minions toy with every happy meal.
Look at this
Now back to me.
So for those who can't get one, or too shy to buy a happy meal, or your girlfriend are crazy with minions and you are tot cheapskate to buy her one, here is how you can make one out of paper!WOOP! WOOP!
yeah I know this is a bit small.
Here are the steps. 1. Google 'cubeecraft Minions'. 2. Choose one and save the picture. 3. Print out the picture. 4. Cut it out and assemble it. 5. Go crazy with your minions!
So here are some other model that you do with cubeecraft. Aaaand there are plenty more design! Just Google it. Cubeecaft. and don't forget to set it to find pictures instead of website. HAVE FUN!
Life is funny sometimes. There is a LOT of small prints in our everyday life. For example, when we talk about hope, people tend to remind us that if we have hope, always hope for the best. This is so true because even IF we ain't try for the best, or push our limits so that we can GET the best... we would still get the best that we deserve.
Take a look at this picture. Inspiring ain't it.
It is the same with the phrase, "Anything is Possible" . People keep putting this phrase into motivational posters, saying that you can do anything and nothing can stop you, hence the phrase ANYTHING is POSSIBLE.
but. The small print says that, failure, death, cheated, screwed, lied to, and everything else that is bad, is also a part of the previously said 'Anything' and it is to be claimed and agreed by you to be possible.
"6 vendors sold Nasi Lemak near my house for dinner. All of them are delicious, but none of the are the same"
the end.
Nasi Lemak is a fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and "pandan" leaf, commonly found in Malaysia.
Near where I'm living, there are a total of 6 Nasi Lemak vendors. I've been living here for almost 3 years now and I've been eating nothing but Nasi Lemak for dinner since I stayed here.
Even though all six vendors basically sold the same thing, rice cooked with coconut milk and pandan leaves, however, none of them taste the same. The rice, the sambal, the fried anchovies, even the boiled eggs. This one vendor, the rice is so soft and creamy, but the sambal is a bit dry. The other vendor, has the perfect sambal mixture of sweet and spicy, but the rice is a bit....pale. Some has no distinctive taste at all, just plain ol' Nasi Lemak with sambal, but people still get in line to buy it, because the uncle gave a generous amount of serving.
The reason why I'm saying all this is because I'm hungry I just realised that, the Nasi Lemak tasted different because each one of the vendors are different. Even if they all Google the recipe online and all of them choose the same recipe, it will STILL be different. Because they would add extra ingredient to it or did not put any at all. For example, if he likes spicy food, he would definitely add extra chilli for the Sambal. If he is generous, he would put extra coconut milk in the rice so it would have that rich taste.
Now, if we e xp a n d our horizons on this matter, we can see that there is a life lesson in this simple Nasi Lemak story. The things that was thrown in by the cook, to create his Nasi Lemak, the ingredients, the quantity, the timing, the environment, it combines together to make a great dish. It is the same with us. All our problems, our tests, our challenges, it becomes a part of us, a part of who we are, a part of who YOU are, once you embrace it. Each one of us is unique because of what we've been through. Every heart break, every mistakes, and all the things that life throws at us, made us who we are today.
what if, everything that was planned, did not happend according to plan.
what if, even the contingency plan fails.
what if, you are left with nothing and you are all alone.
what if, you hit rock bottom.
what if, you drag everyone you love to down there.
what if, you cannot even get up.
semakin banyak aku tanya, semakin banyak akan terjawab.
semakin banyak terjawab, semakin aku tidak tahu.
semakin aku tidak tahu, semakin aku rasa takut.
semakin aku rasa takut, semakin banyak aku bertanya.
and the infinate circle of not knowing, knowing, being afraid continues.
Holiday is here! Got 1 week break away from the hectic life a uni student.
Can't remember the last time I took a breather.
So, I have a bit of free time on my hand.
And today, is the most productive day I've been this week.
Yeah I photoshopped +Suhaida Sulaiman pictures. She asked me to help her out on one of her assigments where she needed to do an abstract background. Well one thing led to another and I stumbled upon cool and simple tutorials on how to do this effects.
And I found a couple more simple yet cool tutorials. Can't wait to try 'em! :D
Some people are born blind, some are trained to be blind and trained by the blind, some can see but then turned blind. But you, you just choose to be blind. It is easy to see. But it is easier to ignore. Ignore the truth. Be blind. It's your choice.
It has been almost 4 years now since the first day you became mine.
I still remember our first date.
You and I walk together, clinging close to me not wanting to let me go.
Hugging me, caressing me.
Making me feel like I am your world.
You were my only one,
And I went everywhere with you.
You have been there for me.
Taking everything that I throw at you.
Through thick to thin, rain or shine, you are still there, silently, faithfully,
Waiting for me to caress you back.
Waiting to feel the love from me.
Waiting for me to fulfill my promise.
To spent time with you.
But I never did.
Before I knew it,
4 years have passed.
Those sparkling smile, has become sallow,
The not-wanting-to let-go hugs, has become perforce,
The loving caress has become bitter blister,
When I was being too rough to you,
you lay there, silently took it, blow-by-blow,
I thought you were enjoying it,
as much as I do.
Oh how wrong can I be.
When you cried,
during most of our dates,
almost all...of our dates.
I thought it was normal,
Oh how stupid can I be.
I know this post,
will not make up for all that I have done.
However, I hope it is not too late to tell you.
That I still love you.
I do,
even after I have bought new shoes,
No shoes caress my feet like you do.
Updated 8.5.2013, shout out to +Suhaida Sulaiman for correcting my mistakes. Thanks :D
When you have 1 assignments, 1 movie review, 1 interview, 2 test, 1 mock event and 1 real event that the due date is near, suddently you have time to update blogs. Haha.
I put the 'pro' in Procrastination.
Oh, a little update on myself. Since there are no movie after Sherlock Holmes 2 that entice me to watch it in the cinema. In fact, some movies just make me feel not worth my time to watch or space in my computer to even download it *cough*if I condone such irresponsible act of illegal downloading, whch I'm not. *cough* I am trying to motivate myself to start reading novel. Not so proud to say, till this date, I only have read 4 novels so far. And each book took me around 4-5 weeks.
The first three novel I read during my secondary school, and I just finish reading my fourth one last week. Right now, my friend, Su, lend me the novel, How To kill a Mokingbird by Harper Lee. Gladly, it is not a tutorial on how to kill a freaking bird. Yup.Yup, noo killing birds what so ever. Not that I was excitedly agreeing to read the books because of this idea. Anyway, I'm still in the second chapter, lets just hope that there are bird killing plot in the book Err, I mean lets hope *NOT. Lets hope there are NO bird killing plot in the book.
So talking bout killing birds. It reminds me of a funny episode of Family Guy where Peter find a way to kill two birds with one stone.
Funny right. The level of sarcasm, ignorance, irony and sarcasm of that TV series is off the charts. Yeah I did say asrcasm sarcasm twice to emphasize it.
Anywayyyy, I really should get back to my work..Soo if you know any good books, please, feel free to drop it in the comment. I will try my super best to read it.My target is to read 50 novel before the end of this year.
46 more to go.
I hope I can make it. :)
Laters, babe.
Ceo of Fiylola Industries.. LoL. yeah that is my fourth book. I read it just to know what is the hype is all about. is..erm..colourful. Yes, the description are pretty colouful. Hahaha. Those who don't know what I'm talking about, do read 50 Shades of Gray. Laters, babe.
p/s : Haih so many errors. I really should check before I publish =.=a
Okay don't get your hopes up. I am not going to post on how to learn to be awesome, but this is even better. I am going to blog about --
Universal Learning Theory Guidelines by Muhammad Hafiz (Me).
This is more to guidelines than theory actually. Simple yet effective guideline, on how to learn anything that you wanted. Anything. Anything at all.
The guide IS simple -- to do it, however, is a different story altogether. Sometimes, it is the simple things in life that is the hardest to do. Like saying thanks, or smile *cough*or-share-my-blog-or-my-post-to-your-friends*cough*.
This theory however, is based on my bullshit experience. It is not perfect -- at least not yet -- but this is how I view the world.
First thing first, in order for you to learn new things, you need to have a will to do it. In simple words, you are the one that wanted to learn that subject.
1. YOU, yourself wanted to learn.
Being forced, coerce, or blackmailed into learning new stuff would be difficult for the learning process. For example, your job scope required you to learn a new third language. Korean for example. If you learn Korean because you have to otherwise you might get sack (being forced to learn), it is going to be hard because every cell in your body are rejecting the new input. However, in a different situation, where a teenager girl can understand and speak Korean fluently just because she wanted to understand and speak the language of her idol/crush, Kim Jong-Kook, one of the cast from a South Korean variety show, Running Man.
In everything we do, we start with our intention and perception. It is mind over matter.
I have experienced this my self. In 2006, I represent my school at a district level in table tennis competition. Just before my match, out of nervousness, deep in my heart, I said "I can't win." , and sure enough I lost the match 9-11 after leading it at 9-5. Anyway, to learn, you need to have enthusiasm. With it, you can freely move forward, but if you are forced, coerced or blackmailed, it is like having a ball of chain around your feet -- you can move forward but with great difficulty.
So change your intention and correct your perception. Keep positive and optimistic. See the world in a different light -- a better light. Focus on the benefits, and the fun side of learning new things.
After having the passion to learn, to actually learn anything, all you got to do is read, listen and watch.
2. Read, listen and watch.
Get familiar with the subjects that you wanted to learn, by reading about it, listen to it, or listen about it. Mainly to get to know it better. For example, if magic tricks is the thing that you wanted to learn, read about it, listen to it, watch the show and watch the tutorial, see how the tricks is done by professional and by amateurs.
After you have done that, do it again and again and do this as well --
3. Question EVERYTHING.
For those who instantly ask "why?" after reading number 3, Good job. You are learning fast. :)
You need to question everything that you learn. By questioning it, and then looking for the answers, you can understand deeper and better on why it is the way it is. By questioning everything, we can be more focused and alert. To uncover how magician do their magic tricks is by asking everything, not at the magician, but at your self. For example, if the magician ask you to hold up your right hand, ask why your right not your left, why is he using so much hand movement, then you would be more alert and notice that the purpose of that action is to distract you so that you would be focused on your hands and missing his sleight of hands.
Here is an exercise . Try and see if you can explain in details how the magic is done and the purpose of the cup, the jug and the "crazy" act by questioning everything.
Lastly, after reading, watching, listening and questioning everything, you need to put everything you learn into practice!
4. Put it into practice!
Practice, practice, practice and more practice. After that you can practice, practice and practice and practice some more. Yes, practice is that important.
Ain't it simple. In 4 simple steps, the world is your oyster.
Congratulations, you just learn how to learn :D
Now go and put it to practice!
So, you must have been wondering why change the url? Why fiylola? Why rebranding? Why now? Why do I even think you guys would even care?
Whoo okok,Chill. I shall answer all my imagination your questions.
1. Why I change the URL?
Because, after putting much thought into it, I feel that my URL need to be short, simple, and memorable. And thanks to my friends who comes out with the name.
Soo, GrammarNaziHell --evolved into--> FiyLoLa!
S. Hayden
2. Why fiylola (Fiy-Lo-La)?
Ok, the pronunciation of the word fiylola resembles my name, which is Hafiz Dolah Don't believe me? Try saying my name 15 times as fast as you can :3 . The story goes like this, Hayden and Susu was talking bout me nothing bad I presumed, and then Yuyu want to join in the conversation LOL who am I kidding, of course they are gossiping about me =.=. When Yuyu ask who are they talking about, he said my name. Then Yuyu murmurs, "Hah? Fiylola?" Yes she has a bit of hearing problem :P. And thus the two of them broke into laughter. 3. Why Rebranding? Ok I have to admit, rebranding is a little bit too much. You need to have a brand 1st to rebrand. Just think of it as a rename, nothing is change,I still post random topics that I needed to get out from my chest, and I am still with my arms wide opens, welcomed, every single one of your brutal honesty than any sugar coated sympathy.
4. Why now?
Why noT? If not now, then when?
5. Why do I even think you guys would even care?
......wait, *pause* So right now I'm imagining you asking me about my thoughts, and I have to justify my thoughts to you who are currently my imagination ultimately leading towards asking a question to myself about myself and answering the question to myself?
So, I manage to make my head hurts. Goodbye. For now.
In the rapid development of technologies, it is considered as a necessity to be tech savvy. I believed it is time for someone (that would be me), pass down some (of my) knowledge on how to download using a torrent client.
Download made simple.
Before I dive deeper on this tutorial, here are some basic stuff. There are two ways to download a file. Using direct download, or using peer-to-peer (p2p).
To simplified it, direct download is like taking a taxi, where you would go directly to your destination. How fast your taxi is depends on your engine (that would be your internet) . Did you got that? Here is a recap of what you have just learned.
*Taxi = Direct Download*
*Taxi engine = Internet connection*
*Destination = Your stuff you want to download*
*Better engine = Faster arrive at destination*
*Faster internet speed = Faster the download*
I think, I have made that as simple as possible (Emphasis on the word "I think"). Now, moving on. Torrent client is a little bit complicated. Here are some of the terms that you should get familiarize with before we go any further.
1. seed = the people who is uploading the file.
2. leech = the people who is downloading the file.
Now, p2p is more like wanting to get to a destination in a boat.
This type of boat to be precise.
Here is the deal. You want to get across the lake by riding the boat, so you stand there,cheering by beating the drum, and let others paddle the boat to the other side. Once across, you are given a chance to either get off the boat OR help out by becoming one of the people row the boat. Can you imagine the story?
Now, you, the drummer, are the leecher, and the people rowing the boat, are the seeder. And once you have finished download your file or software or movies or porn, you can choose to be the either the seeder or just be selfish sensitive towards your own gratification and walk away.
Okay enough chit chat, I hope now you know the basic jist of direct download and p2p.
How to download using p2p.
1. Choose a torrent client. There are plenty out there, for example ABC, BitLord, LimeWire, uTorrent, Vuze, and many more. But since I am using uTorrent, so for newbies, I recommend you do the same.
2. Click the orange button that I abstractly drawn around it.
Abstract is art. Thus my circling is epic.
If you have extra money that you don't need, you can always buy the premium.
Right now, you are using direct download to use p2p. Or using the taxi to get the boat! :D
Double click the torrent application.
READ. Do not just rape the next button. READ! Because sometimes they asked us to install toolbars or what not. SO READ ON WHAT YOU ARE AGREEING ON.
Congratulations! You just installed uTorent!
Now, lets recap.
*Boat = uTorrent software*
*Destination = The stuff that you wanted to download*
*leecher = drummer = you = People who is downloading that file*
*seeder = rower = people who is uploading that file = people who has completed downloading and continue on to seed*
*more people row the boat = faster they help other people get to the other side*
*More seeder on the file that you wanted = Faster your download will be*
Now, all torrent client needed a torrent file (.torrent) to download your destination. Okay long story short, just go to (It is a search engine, like google, but only for .torrent file).
3. Type anything that you want to download in the search box. For example purposes, I have typed in "titanic".
Tips : Only download on verified sources.
4. Left-click one of the results. I choose the 1st, because it is verified by users like you and me and has a lot of seeders. You will then stumbled upon something like this.
239 people has verified this file. But if you are still skeptical and want more opinion,scroll down a bit and you will see a comment section.
5. I like to use kickasstorrent because it has almost no ads and it show where I can download the .torrent file clearly.
6. Just a few more steps to go. After clicking it, your browser will download the .torrent file like so;
You will get something like this if you use Google Chrome as well.
7. Lastly open that file by double clicking it. And this will popup.
Lastly. Press Ok.
8. and you're done! Congratulations on your download!
Disclaimer : It is not illegal to use uTorrent. But it is illegal to download copyrighted material. Support the company if you like their product!
Yesterday, I had a weird dream (yes, I did wash my feet), it is so weird that I had to make a post about it.
"You must not be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."
Christopher Nolan, Inception: The Shooting Script
My Weird Dream.
*Like any other dream, I can not remembered all the details, just bits and pieces of it before I woke up.*
Situation : Lining up to receive my Diploma during my convocation day.
So, I lined up to receive my diploma, during the wait, I started to recalled back all the hardships, all the joy and pain and all the experience I had gain during my studies. I was so emotional at that moment (every grad student will know this feeling), I almost shed a tear. Almost.
I managed to control my feeling, and while waiting, I saw my fellow classmates are allowed a short speech after receiving the diploma, and then before I realise it, my brain already started to think of a speech for me to say.
Then, the moment of truth, my name was called, I walk gracefully onto the stage. Then I went to the podium and give my speech. (Bear (RAWR) in mind, I am still sleeping and all of this happens in my dream.)
This is the speech that I delivered with full emotion.
(The title is something that I came up afterwards.)
I would like to give a bundle of thanks to my parents, my lectures, and of course to all my friends. Thank you. It has been a roller coaster of fun, anger, surprise, fear, sadness, anticipation and joy. How ever, my journey,*slight pause* OUR journey, is far from over, it is not the end, it is just the end of the beginning.
And our new chapters in life is going to be filled with new hardships, new challenges and of course, new rewards. Let us all embrace our future and embark to our journey, TOGETHER, hand in hand, making a mark in this world.
It is our time to shine. It is our time to colour our future. Guys.., no,*Slight pause and inhale* LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, THIS is our TIME.
At that last sentence, the crowd was cheering and clapping, I got goosebumps all over, and I just can not hold it in anymore. Tear drops are running down my cheeks, with my scroll in my hand squeezed tight, I raised it high to the sky.
By raising my fist in my dream, I immediately I woken up, with my hands in the air, and I was crying. I grab my phone and quickly jot everything before I forgot about it. and here we are. What is so weird is that I did not even attend my diploma's graduation,